Making Every Drop Count!
Industrial streams can have additional challenges other than organic loading. Industry uses water to cool rotating equipment and for work area hygiene. Modern facilities treat streams so that the valuable resource can be filtered and recycled. Process water and cooling water must either be aerated or retained long enough for the water to lose most of its temperature before reuse. Such streams are plagued with nuisance algae thriving off the warm nutrient-rich water. Environmental statutes require the water that ultimately is discharged to be low in soluble chemistries so natural marine life is not adversely affected. WMT offers safe, biodegradable amendments to stem algal growth which pose no environmental effect downstream.
12-strain industrial strength biochemical reduces BOD/COD by as much as 50% in 20 days when used in dissolved oxygen concentrations of 2 ppm or better. MSDS
Available in 5-, 30- and 60-gallon containers
Call 601‑922‑1678 to order today!
Chelated copper algaecide for contact killing of filamentitous algae. Spray or drip apply. Controls a variety of filamentitous planktonic and branched algae. Areas treated with K.TEA may be used for fishing and swimming, drinking or watering livestock and irrigation immediately after treatment.
Available in 2.5- or 5-gallon containers
Call 601‑922‑1678 to order today!
Contact kill herbicide for duckweed, water hyacinth, coontail moss, and other aquatic plants. Contains diquat dibromide. MSDS
Apply 1-2 gallon/surface ac.
Available in 2.5- and 5-gallon containers
Call 601‑922‑1678 to order today!
Site specific water clarifier for cooling water conveyances and impoundments.
Bio-degradable slow release cleaner addresses nuisance water scum on concrete and metal surfaces. Thread rope through reinforced core and hang from ladders, railings, aerator bases or other support structure. Clarifies up to forty feet of the product. Effective 30 days.
Available in singles and 1x6 case.
Call 601‑922‑1678 to order today!
Lawn clippings, leaves, silt, supplemental feed and plant debris settle on the pond floor acting as fertilizer fueling explosive nuisance algal blooms and robs available dissolved oxygen as it tries to decompose. Because this matter (muck) stresses natural respiration, rendering of this debris by beneficial indigenous bacteria is dramatically slowed. PST replenishes the bacterial level with billions of safe non-pathogenic reproducing strains of safe microorganisms. Prepackaged powders and liquids disperse with wind or wave action. PST sinks to the pond floor then begins to effervesce strewing live bacterial cells as much as three cubic feet from where it is placed. The effervescing action mechanically moves the lighter top layer of sludge in to the water column where bacteria can more readily absorb it. Pelletized probiotics dissolve in place and move laterally through reproduction. PST effervescing action speeds delivery of beneficial microbes vertically and laterally accelerating the restoration of your pond. MSDS
One tube treats 1/4 acre.
Call 601‑922‑1678 to order today!
High volume flows found in lift stations and municipal sumps need a continual presence of waste-digesting bacteria. Liquid amendments wash out quickly. MC-60 compressed cakes carry high levels of reproducing, grease-digesting microbes to provide a 60-day treatment.
Available in singles or 1x6 cases
Call 601‑922‑1678 to order today!